

accept /əkˈsept/ v.

(a)take (something offered) willingly 欣然接受(他人提供的事物)

accept a gift 接受礼物

accept a piece of advice 接受劝告

accept an apology 接受道歉

accept an invitation 接受邀请

accept one’s fate 认命

(2)be willing to agree to (something) 同意, 认可, 赞同(某事物

accept the judge’s decision 同意法官的判决

I accept the proposed changes. 我赞成所提出的变动。

be widely accepted 被广泛认同的

(3) take upon oneself (a responsibility, etc.) 承担(责任等)

He accepts blame for the accident, i.e. agrees that it was his fault. 他承认那事故是他的错。

You must accept the consequences of your action. 你必须对你行动的后果负责。

(4)accept something (as something): take something as true; believe something 认为某事物属实; 相信某事物

I cannot accept that he is to blame. 我认为不能责怪他。

We do not accept your explanation / what you have said. 我们不相信你的解释(你所说的话)。

Can we accept his account as the true version? 我们能够相信他说的是实情吗?

It is an accepted fact, i.e. something that everyone thinks is true. 这是公认的事实。

(5)treat (somebody / something) as welcome 欢迎(某人\\ 某事物)

He was never really accepted by his classmates. 他同班同学从未真正把他当作自己人。

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